Yesterday internal elections were held aimed to renewal of Masonic officers (annual election of MM:. MM:.), in several LL:. of Lima (Peru). In our L:. just voted MM:. and past MM:.MM:., who paid normal contributions, have good conduct and has taken the minimum attendance, ensuring continuity and compliance with laws and regulations of our Masonic LL:., coupled with constant updating of Masonic activities. Although we were initially inside the Lodge, we do not participate in the election (we were out temporarily), because we are yet FF:.CC:.. After the election we heard of the reelection as MM:.M:., of one of our beloved BB:., that the previous year had been MM:. in our L: .. Although we ignore the reasons for his re-election (usually is promoted the election of a different M:. M:., each year), a natural curiosity forced us to know the reasons for his re-election. What follows is hypothetical. Although to small scale we heared that a week ago would have been open sales of some candidates pertaining to national political parties, which is normal in the secular world. Although this attitude is banned in our LL:., it is difficult to eradicate it, because is rooted in human nature.
Whether it seems that such behavior would have influenced the minds of voters, the fact is that hours before the election, the consensus was to elect as a new MM:. of our L:., to an independent and extremely kind B:.. On election day, things would have changed because most voters would have thought that the soft hand of this B:., would promote asynchronous behavior in some BB. It was decided then to elect a MM:. with more rigid hand whose labor was known because he exercised the same position last year. Because of its importance, the issue led to discussion outside of our LL:.. In layman's presidential election system in our country there is now a tendency to form alliances, including some unlikely, ensuring the victory of the alliance, but not the ethical and moral quality values of choice. For our country to progress is essential to carefully choose candidates with sufficient merit. 40-50% of our current secular congressmen leaves much to be desired. The hurdles to elect congressmen are easy to be overcome. The series of filters that have the Masons for their internal elections have the potential to propose models of elections and to analyze post mortem if elected according to Masonic law and circumstances were truly the best.
Whether it seems that such behavior would have influenced the minds of voters, the fact is that hours before the election, the consensus was to elect as a new MM:. of our L:., to an independent and extremely kind B:.. On election day, things would have changed because most voters would have thought that the soft hand of this B:., would promote asynchronous behavior in some BB. It was decided then to elect a MM:. with more rigid hand whose labor was known because he exercised the same position last year. Because of its importance, the issue led to discussion outside of our LL:.. In layman's presidential election system in our country there is now a tendency to form alliances, including some unlikely, ensuring the victory of the alliance, but not the ethical and moral quality values of choice. For our country to progress is essential to carefully choose candidates with sufficient merit. 40-50% of our current secular congressmen leaves much to be desired. The hurdles to elect congressmen are easy to be overcome. The series of filters that have the Masons for their internal elections have the potential to propose models of elections and to analyze post mortem if elected according to Masonic law and circumstances were truly the best.
Ayer se realizaron las elecciones internas tendientes a la renovación de cargos (elección anual de VV:.MM:.), en varias LL:. limeñas (Perú). En nuestra L:. solo votaron los MM:., en ejercicio que estaban a plomo, tenían buena conducta y asistencia mínima a las tenidas, asegurando continuidad en el cumplimiento de leyes y normas masónicas de nuestras LL:., aunada a una actualización permanente de las actividades logiales. Aunque estuvimos inicialmente al interior del local, no participamos de la elección (teniendo que salir temporalmente), por ser aún CC:.. Terminada la elección nos enteramos de la reelección como V:.M:., del HH:. que el año anterior había regido nuestra L:.. Aunque ignoramos las razones de esta reelección (usualmente se promueve la elección de un V:.M:., diferente cada año), una natural curiosidad nos inducía a conocer los motivos de esta reelección. Lo que viene a continuación es hipotético. Aunque a pequeña escala, tuvimos conocimiento de oídas que desde hace una semana habrían existido promociones abiertas de algunos candidatos con pertenencias a grupos políticos nacionales, lo que es normal en el mundo profano. Aunque tal actitud está vetada en nuestras LL:., es díficil erradicarla en tanto humana.
Independientemente de ello parece que estas conductas habrían influido en las mentes de los electores. Horas antes de la elección, el consenso para elegir al nuevo V:.M:. de nuestra L:., era un hermano independiente, extremadamente bondadoso. El día de la elección las cosas habrían variado porque la mayoría de electores habría considerado que la mano blanda de este H:., podría generar conductas asincrónicas humanas. Se optó entonces por elegir a un M:., con mano mas rígida -conocido ya- por haber ejercido el mismo cargo el año anterior. Por su importancia, el tema motivó discusiones fuera de las LL:. En el sistema electoral presidencial profano de nuestro país existe actualmente la tendencia a formar alianzas, incluyendo algunas inverosímiles, garantizando el triunfo de la alianza, pero no la calidad ético-moral del elegido. Para que nuestro país progrese es fundamental elegir escrupulosamente a candidatos con méritos suficientes. Un 40-50% de nuestros congresistas profanos actuales dejan mucho que desear. Las vallas para elegir congresistas son fáciles de ser sorteadas. La serie de filtros que tiene la masonería para sus elecciones internas tiene la potencialidad de proponer modelos eleccionarios y analizar post mortem si los elegidos de acuerdo a leyes y circunstancias masónicas fueron realmente los mejores.