On Saturday/23/2011, I was pleased to attend as a guest at the ceremony of installing the new board of officers of a sister lodge to ours, in Lima. The swearing in conducted by senior officers of the Grand Lodge of Peru, had the delicacy to swear to each and every one of the members through rituals widely known. Since the arrival of the first brethren until the finish, greetings, hugs and congratulations were very frequent. A pristine calm and peace surrounded the lodge. I had always listened in the secular world that certain restaurants were alive. Some were calm, others agitated, other stressors. To a greater or lesser degree the same can be applied to lodges. I assume that the more calm and peaceful lodges are located in provinces. In this case, in this lodge, the positive energy was a continuum from the beginning to the end.
The new board of the sister lodge exhibited some characteristics worthy of comment. I) All the jurors had more than 70 years. Some oldest brethren had physical difficulties to climb up and down stairs. One of them had a prolonged coughing and another threw a bundle of leaves on a table at a distance of one meter, because of stress. In some cases the lack of coordination of the ritual was evident. It was not for everyone. One of them about 80 years well prepared physically participate in the ritual properly and without tiring. While this happen, we wondered above the reasons for this. II) It might be advisable for the lodges to choose boards with proportional, staggered aged men : 25, 40, 60 and more years. Let to young deacons the hard work. Promote within the lodges programmed exercise, proper diet and healthy recreation, to promote proper health. After the ceremony, the 62 brethren attendees enjoyed a healthy lunch and fellowship.
The new board of the sister lodge exhibited some characteristics worthy of comment. I) All the jurors had more than 70 years. Some oldest brethren had physical difficulties to climb up and down stairs. One of them had a prolonged coughing and another threw a bundle of leaves on a table at a distance of one meter, because of stress. In some cases the lack of coordination of the ritual was evident. It was not for everyone. One of them about 80 years well prepared physically participate in the ritual properly and without tiring. While this happen, we wondered above the reasons for this. II) It might be advisable for the lodges to choose boards with proportional, staggered aged men : 25, 40, 60 and more years. Let to young deacons the hard work. Promote within the lodges programmed exercise, proper diet and healthy recreation, to promote proper health. After the ceremony, the 62 brethren attendees enjoyed a healthy lunch and fellowship.
El sabado 23/2011, tuve la satisfacción de asistir en calidad de invitado a la ceremonia de instalación de la nueva junta directiva de una logia hermana a la nuestra, en Lima. La juramentación realizada por altos oficiales de la Gran Logia del Peru, tuvo la exquisitez de juramentar a todos y cada uno de los integrantes mediante rituales ampliamente conocidos. Desde la llegada de los primeros hermanos hasta el final los saludos, abrazos y enhorabuenas estuvieron a la orden del dia. Una prístina calma y redoblada paz circundaba la logia. Siempre escuche en el mundo profano que ciertos restaurantes tenían vida. Unos eran calmos, otros agitados, otros estresantes. En mayor o menor grado lo mismo sucede en las logias. Asumo que las logias mas sanas son las de provincias. En este caso -en esta logia- la vibra positiva fue un continuum de principio a fin.
La nueva junta directiva de esta logia hermana exhibió algunas características dignas de comentar. I) Todos los juramentados tenían mas de 70 años. Los de edad mas avanzada tuvieron dificultades físicas para subir y bajar las gradas. Uno de ellos tuvo un acceso de tos prolongado y otro lanzo un paquete de hojas sobre una mesa a una distancia de un metro, a causa del estres. En ciertos casos la descoordinación del ritual fue evidente. No fue el caso de todos. Uno de ellos de unos 80 años físicamente bien preparado participo del ritual en forma adecuada y sin cansarse.
Mientras acontecía lo anterior nos preguntabamos las razones de esto. II) Quizas sea recomendable que las logias elijan juntas directivas con hombres con edades escalonadas en forma proporcional : de 25, 40, 60 y mas años. Que los diaconos (los que realizan las marchas), sean jóvenes y bien entrenados. Promover al interior de las logias el ejercicio físico programado, la dieta adecuada y un sano esparcimiento a fin de propiciar una salud adecuada. Al finalizar la ceremonia, los 62 hermanos asistentes disfrutaron de un almuerzo sano y fraternal.
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