Yesterday (10-02-2011), we worked the issue: The spirit of the masonic ritual of First Grade. Being the second time we participate in this discussion we think we already have a solid idea about that breaking down this into 2, both trying to explain the meaning of the symbolic ritual of the first degree.
On the one hand we explain the meaning of ritual practices, words, gestures, marches, etc. that perform every week each brethren within lodges throughout the world, arguing we that each and every one of our brethren would be able -if necessary- to clone their lodge physical and spiritual whatever their location. By dint of repeated regularly rites and symbols each brethren carry out rules, forms, knowledge and the same temple in his head.
The symbolism and ritual represented and practiced in every lodge, includes the rite of initiation, the vicissitudes of life, the duality of things, reminiscent of ancient interpretations of the cosmos, the meaning of human being, etc. Physically all lodge has the form of a parallelepiped connecting the center of the earth with the universe, the chiaroscuro floor represents the duality of things in life and at the same time is sacred ground to have occurred there certain facts: offering in sacrifice Abraham's son to God, the fervent prayers of King David to stop a terrifying epidemic that was ravaging his people, the sacrifices and offerings made by King Solomon to God, at the conclusion of the Temple in Jerusalem and just this form : a parallelepiped was copied in lodges worldwide.
Doric, Jonic and Corinthian columns within each lodge represent wisdom, strength and beauty, Jacob's ladder reaching to heaven with earthly foothold in the sacred bible teaching us to believe in the protection of Divine Providence, strengthening us to climb its first 3 steps, the shining star, notched attic, the chiaroscuro floor, furniture (the Bible, the square and compass), mobile jewelry (the square the level and plumb), fixed jewelry (the draw sheet, the rough stone and polished stone) and others, as well as words, gestures, tokens, greetings and so on. Rituals and symbols that time has remained untouched for centuries without daring to modify, being irreplaceable.
I)Explanations drawn from the masonry establishes 2 fundamental objectives for the above: a) On the one hand the evolution and refinement of the profane man (from rough stone to polished), inducing him to have faith in the G.A.O.T.U., better life expectancy and collecting love for all human beings (first 3 steps of Jacob's Ladder) and b) After landing on the third step of Jacob's Ladder, a minority of Masons battled to reach the heights of this, to be with spiritual beings of the highest vibration in G.A.O.T.U. estates. The latter is endorsed in multiple mason writings expressing that in every regular and well established Lodge there is a point inside a circle from which no brethren can err. A circle limited at N:. and S:. by two parallel lines (Moses and Solomon), on top of which lies the sacred bible supporting Jacob's Ladder, whose tip reaches heaven. Who guide his steps in this circle, will never err.
II) Explanation of scholars around as to why some societies adopt symbols and rituals. According to E. Cassirer, symbolic thinking precedes the oral and written language and discursive reason. Symbolic language is not owned only by children. Human beings do not think in words, they used images, not differing in this from primitive men. Symbols and rituals are deeper than oral or written language. They are a universal language, metaphorical, with multiple meaning, more natural, akin to man. Speaking and writing express the concrete reality (limited and verifiable area). The symbols express the inexpressible, the unlimited in precisely knowable, forming units of opposites (coincidentia oppositorum). With images and symbols we synthesize science and thoughts better approaching to music, arts and to the human soul. The symbolic language is broader than specific oral or written language. Symbolism captures the ultimate reality of things, where contradiction is conceptually inexpressible. Reducing a symbol or picture to specific terminology is to castrate, to mutilate it. Set the psyche to a single reference plane (concrete) is unbalanced. The man is full of realistic images, being these the starting point for all modern man's spiritual renewal. Jung, assumes that the dramas of the modern world are the result of imbalance in the psyche. Imagine is to see the world as a whole, because the mission and the power of images is refractory to conceptualization.
Mircea Eliade, accepts that symbolic language expresses profound realities denied to other means of knowledge. Images and symbols are not irresponsible creations of the psyche, they responds to the need to bare their innermost intimacies. It's another way of knowledge with different evaluative scales. Symbols are substantial parts of a spiritual world infinitely richer than the cultural, helping to free the man and to realize their initiation. An advanced language for the time it was created and also for modern and future times. A frontal eye, contained in an equilateral triangle weighing us is not worth as thousand words?.
The symbolic images are unique, incomparable, non-transferable, specific and unique to each human being storing experiences that he will recreate later. According to Cassirer, the symbolism give the man a wider reality. Through ritual, past experiences and events are recreated synthetic and symbolically. The ritual is always religious, because it ends up mixing with the unreal. However it require rigidity, just so they serve and make sense. You must have rituals with ideological basis, without it it will perish as happened to Egyptian symbolism and others. As all know egyptian symbolism veiled its mysteries to profanes by signs and hieroglyphs, explained only to High Priests or Magi, forcing them to keep them hidden.
1-1955. Mircea Eliade. Images & Símbolos.Alianza Editorial. 2-1993. Mircea Eliade. Babylonian cosmology and alchemy. Paidós Ibérica, Barcelona. 3-1992.Ernst Cassirer. Language and Myth. Translated by Suzanne K. Langer, New York and London, Harper & Bros., 1946. Wilfrid S. Sellars University of Minnesota. 4-1948-49. Ernst Cassirer. Realism and the New Way of Words, "Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, June, 148. 9: 326-29. 5. 2002. Francisco Ariza. Freemasonry: Symbols and rituals. Ed. Symbology. Barcelona. 6-1952. Mircea Eliade. Rencontre avec Jung. Excerpt from The Magic Flight. Combat: October 9. 7-1996-2009. Jorge Tachawer Sebök M:. M: .. Ritual and symbol, symbol and experience; reinterpretation. Reflections on the ritual and related aspects . RL "Wolfgang Mozart" No 206. Grand Lodge of Chile.
Ayer (10-02-2011), se trabajo el tema: El espìritu del ritual del 1er Grado. Siendo la segunda vez que participamos de esta disertación pensamos que ya contamos con una idea solida al respecto que desglosamos en 2, intentando en ambos casos explicar el significado del ritual simbolico del primer grado
De un lado explicamos el significado del conjunto de practicas rituales, palabras, gestos, marchas, etc, que semana a semana realizan HH:.MM:. de larga trayectoria al interior de logias a lo largo y ancho de todo el mundo, sosteniendo que todos y cada uno de nuestros HH:. serían capaces -dado el caso- de clonar física y espiritualmente sus respectivas LL:. en cualquiera sea el lugar donde se encuentren. A fuerza de repetir regularmente ritos y símbolos cada H:.M:., lleva normas, formas, conocimientos y al mismo templo en su testa.
El simbolismo y ritual representado y practicado en cada logia, expresa el rito de iniciación, las viscisitudes de la vida, la dualidad de las cosas, reminiscencias de antiguas interpretaciones del cosmos, el significado del ser humano, etc. Fisicamente toda logia tiene la forma de un palelepipedo que conecta el centro de la tierra con el universo, un piso claroscuro que representa la dualidad de las cosas de la vida, a la vez que ser terreno sagrado por haber ocurrido ahí hechos fundamentales : ofrecimiento en holocausto del hijo de Abraham a Dios, las fervorosas oraciones del Rey David para detener una espantosa epidemia que asolaba a su pueblo, los sacrificios y ofrendas realizadas por el Rey Salomón a Dios, a la conclusión del Templo de Jerusalén y cuya forma : justamente un paralelepipedo copiaron las logias de todo el mundo.
Las columnas dórica, jónica y corintia al interior de cada logia representando sabiduría, fuerza y belleza, la escala de Jacob que alcanza al Cielo, con punto de apoyo terrenal en el la L:.S:. enseñándonos a creer en la protección de la Divina Providencia, robusteciendo para ascender sus primeros 3 escalones, la estrella rutilante, la guardilla dentada, el piso clarooscuro, los muebles (la biblia, la escuadra y el compas), las joyas movibles (la escuadra, el nivel y la plomada), las joyas fijas (la plancha de trazar, la piedra bruta y la piedra pulida) y otros, además de palabras, gestos, la gripa, los tocamientos, los saludos etc. Ritos y simbolos que el tiempo ha mantenido incólumes por siglos sin atreverse a modificarlas, por ser irreemplazables.
On the one hand we explain the meaning of ritual practices, words, gestures, marches, etc. that perform every week each brethren within lodges throughout the world, arguing we that each and every one of our brethren would be able -if necessary- to clone their lodge physical and spiritual whatever their location. By dint of repeated regularly rites and symbols each brethren carry out rules, forms, knowledge and the same temple in his head.
The symbolism and ritual represented and practiced in every lodge, includes the rite of initiation, the vicissitudes of life, the duality of things, reminiscent of ancient interpretations of the cosmos, the meaning of human being, etc. Physically all lodge has the form of a parallelepiped connecting the center of the earth with the universe, the chiaroscuro floor represents the duality of things in life and at the same time is sacred ground to have occurred there certain facts: offering in sacrifice Abraham's son to God, the fervent prayers of King David to stop a terrifying epidemic that was ravaging his people, the sacrifices and offerings made by King Solomon to God, at the conclusion of the Temple in Jerusalem and just this form : a parallelepiped was copied in lodges worldwide.
Doric, Jonic and Corinthian columns within each lodge represent wisdom, strength and beauty, Jacob's ladder reaching to heaven with earthly foothold in the sacred bible teaching us to believe in the protection of Divine Providence, strengthening us to climb its first 3 steps, the shining star, notched attic, the chiaroscuro floor, furniture (the Bible, the square and compass), mobile jewelry (the square the level and plumb), fixed jewelry (the draw sheet, the rough stone and polished stone) and others, as well as words, gestures, tokens, greetings and so on. Rituals and symbols that time has remained untouched for centuries without daring to modify, being irreplaceable.
I)Explanations drawn from the masonry establishes 2 fundamental objectives for the above: a) On the one hand the evolution and refinement of the profane man (from rough stone to polished), inducing him to have faith in the G.A.O.T.U., better life expectancy and collecting love for all human beings (first 3 steps of Jacob's Ladder) and b) After landing on the third step of Jacob's Ladder, a minority of Masons battled to reach the heights of this, to be with spiritual beings of the highest vibration in G.A.O.T.U. estates. The latter is endorsed in multiple mason writings expressing that in every regular and well established Lodge there is a point inside a circle from which no brethren can err. A circle limited at N:. and S:. by two parallel lines (Moses and Solomon), on top of which lies the sacred bible supporting Jacob's Ladder, whose tip reaches heaven. Who guide his steps in this circle, will never err.
II) Explanation of scholars around as to why some societies adopt symbols and rituals. According to E. Cassirer, symbolic thinking precedes the oral and written language and discursive reason. Symbolic language is not owned only by children. Human beings do not think in words, they used images, not differing in this from primitive men. Symbols and rituals are deeper than oral or written language. They are a universal language, metaphorical, with multiple meaning, more natural, akin to man. Speaking and writing express the concrete reality (limited and verifiable area). The symbols express the inexpressible, the unlimited in precisely knowable, forming units of opposites (coincidentia oppositorum). With images and symbols we synthesize science and thoughts better approaching to music, arts and to the human soul. The symbolic language is broader than specific oral or written language. Symbolism captures the ultimate reality of things, where contradiction is conceptually inexpressible. Reducing a symbol or picture to specific terminology is to castrate, to mutilate it. Set the psyche to a single reference plane (concrete) is unbalanced. The man is full of realistic images, being these the starting point for all modern man's spiritual renewal. Jung, assumes that the dramas of the modern world are the result of imbalance in the psyche. Imagine is to see the world as a whole, because the mission and the power of images is refractory to conceptualization.
Mircea Eliade, accepts that symbolic language expresses profound realities denied to other means of knowledge. Images and symbols are not irresponsible creations of the psyche, they responds to the need to bare their innermost intimacies. It's another way of knowledge with different evaluative scales. Symbols are substantial parts of a spiritual world infinitely richer than the cultural, helping to free the man and to realize their initiation. An advanced language for the time it was created and also for modern and future times. A frontal eye, contained in an equilateral triangle weighing us is not worth as thousand words?.
The symbolic images are unique, incomparable, non-transferable, specific and unique to each human being storing experiences that he will recreate later. According to Cassirer, the symbolism give the man a wider reality. Through ritual, past experiences and events are recreated synthetic and symbolically. The ritual is always religious, because it ends up mixing with the unreal. However it require rigidity, just so they serve and make sense. You must have rituals with ideological basis, without it it will perish as happened to Egyptian symbolism and others. As all know egyptian symbolism veiled its mysteries to profanes by signs and hieroglyphs, explained only to High Priests or Magi, forcing them to keep them hidden.
1-1955. Mircea Eliade. Images & Símbolos.Alianza Editorial. 2-1993. Mircea Eliade. Babylonian cosmology and alchemy. Paidós Ibérica, Barcelona. 3-1992.Ernst Cassirer. Language and Myth. Translated by Suzanne K. Langer, New York and London, Harper & Bros., 1946. Wilfrid S. Sellars University of Minnesota. 4-1948-49. Ernst Cassirer. Realism and the New Way of Words, "Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, June, 148. 9: 326-29. 5. 2002. Francisco Ariza. Freemasonry: Symbols and rituals. Ed. Symbology. Barcelona. 6-1952. Mircea Eliade. Rencontre avec Jung. Excerpt from The Magic Flight. Combat: October 9. 7-1996-2009. Jorge Tachawer Sebök M:. M: .. Ritual and symbol, symbol and experience; reinterpretation. Reflections on the ritual and related aspects . RL "Wolfgang Mozart" No 206. Grand Lodge of Chile.
Ayer (10-02-2011), se trabajo el tema: El espìritu del ritual del 1er Grado. Siendo la segunda vez que participamos de esta disertación pensamos que ya contamos con una idea solida al respecto que desglosamos en 2, intentando en ambos casos explicar el significado del ritual simbolico del primer grado
De un lado explicamos el significado del conjunto de practicas rituales, palabras, gestos, marchas, etc, que semana a semana realizan HH:.MM:. de larga trayectoria al interior de logias a lo largo y ancho de todo el mundo, sosteniendo que todos y cada uno de nuestros HH:. serían capaces -dado el caso- de clonar física y espiritualmente sus respectivas LL:. en cualquiera sea el lugar donde se encuentren. A fuerza de repetir regularmente ritos y símbolos cada H:.M:., lleva normas, formas, conocimientos y al mismo templo en su testa.
El simbolismo y ritual representado y practicado en cada logia, expresa el rito de iniciación, las viscisitudes de la vida, la dualidad de las cosas, reminiscencias de antiguas interpretaciones del cosmos, el significado del ser humano, etc. Fisicamente toda logia tiene la forma de un palelepipedo que conecta el centro de la tierra con el universo, un piso claroscuro que representa la dualidad de las cosas de la vida, a la vez que ser terreno sagrado por haber ocurrido ahí hechos fundamentales : ofrecimiento en holocausto del hijo de Abraham a Dios, las fervorosas oraciones del Rey David para detener una espantosa epidemia que asolaba a su pueblo, los sacrificios y ofrendas realizadas por el Rey Salomón a Dios, a la conclusión del Templo de Jerusalén y cuya forma : justamente un paralelepipedo copiaron las logias de todo el mundo.
Las columnas dórica, jónica y corintia al interior de cada logia representando sabiduría, fuerza y belleza, la escala de Jacob que alcanza al Cielo, con punto de apoyo terrenal en el la L:.S:. enseñándonos a creer en la protección de la Divina Providencia, robusteciendo para ascender sus primeros 3 escalones, la estrella rutilante, la guardilla dentada, el piso clarooscuro, los muebles (la biblia, la escuadra y el compas), las joyas movibles (la escuadra, el nivel y la plomada), las joyas fijas (la plancha de trazar, la piedra bruta y la piedra pulida) y otros, además de palabras, gestos, la gripa, los tocamientos, los saludos etc. Ritos y simbolos que el tiempo ha mantenido incólumes por siglos sin atreverse a modificarlas, por ser irreemplazables.
I) Explicaciones extraidas de la masoneria dan cuenta de 2 objetivos fundamentales a todo lo anterior: a) De un lado la evolución y perfeccionamiento del hombre profano (de piedra bruta a pulida), induciéndolo a tener fe en el G.A.D.U., esperanza de una vida mejor y acopio de caridad para con todos los seres humanos (primeros 3 escalones de la Escala de Jacob) y b) Tras posarse en el tercer escalon de la Escala de Jacob, una minoría de masones pugnara por alcanzar las altas cumbres de esta, hasta encontrarse con seres espirituales de altísima vibración en heredades del G.A.D.U. Esto ultimo es refrendado en multiples escritos masones en los que se expresa que en toda logia regular y bien constituida existe un punto al interior de un Círculo desde el cual ningún hermano puede errar. Un Circulo limitado al N:. y al S:. por dos líneas paralelas (Moisés y Salomón), en cuya parte superior yace el V:. de la L:. S:. soportando la Escala de Jacob, cuya extremidad alcanza al Cielo. Guiando nuestros pasos dentro de este circulo, nunca erraremos.
II) Explicacion de estudiosos en torno a porque a porque ciertas sociedades adoptan simbolos y ritos. Según E. Cassirer, el pensar simbólico precede al lenguaje oral y escrito y a la razón discursiva. No es propiedad del niño. El ser humano no piensa con palabras, lo hace con imágenes, no diferenciándose en esto del hombre primitivo. Los símbolos y ritos son más profundos que el lenguaje oral o escrito. Son un lenguaje universal, de significados múltiples, metafórico, más natural, afín al hombre. Oralidad y escritura expresan la realidad concreta (un área verificable, limitada). Los símbolos expresan lo ilimitado -lo inexpresable pero cognoscible- en forma precisa conformando unidades de opuestos (coincidentia oppositorum). Imágenes y símbolos al sintetizar ciencia y pensamientos, nos acercan a la música, las artes y al alma humana. El lenguaje simbólico es más amplio que el lenguaje concreto oral o escrito, porque aprehende la realidad última de las cosas, donde la contradicción es inexpresable conceptualmente. Reducir un símbolo o imagen a terminología concreta, es castrarla, mutilarla. Por lo mismo, fijar la psique a un solo plano de referencia (el concreto), es desequilibrarla. El hombre más realista está plagado de imágenes, siendo estas el punto de partida para la total renovación espiritual del hombre moderno. Jung, supone que los dramas del mundo moderno son producto del desequilibrio de la psique. Imaginar es ver el mundo en su totalidad; porque la misión y el poder de las imágenes es visualizar lo refractario a la conceptualización.
Mircea Eliade, acepta que el lenguaje simbólico, expresa realidades profundas negadas a otros medios de conocimiento. Imágenes y símbolos no son creaciones irresponsables de la psique, responden a la necesidad de desnudar sus intimidades más recónditas. Es otra vía del conocimiento con escalas valorativas distintas al racionalismo, positivismo y cientificismo. Los símbolos son piezas sustantivas de un mundo espiritual infinitamente más rico que el cultural, ayudando al hombre a liberarse y a concretar su iniciación. Un lenguaje avanzado para la época en que fué creado y también para la época epoca moderna y futura. ¿Un ojo frontal, encerrado en un triángulo equilátero pesándonos y sopesandonos, no vale más que mil palabras?.
Las imágenes simbolicas son peculiares, incomparables, intrasferibles, propias y únicas de cada ser humano, experiencias que se almacenan para recrearlas después. Según Cassirer, asi nació el sistema simbolico dotando al hombre de una realidad mas amplia. Mediante el rito, las vivencias y acontecimientos pasados son recreados sintetica y simbolicamente. El ritual siempre es religioso, porque termina mezclándose con lo irreal. Los rituales empero exigen rigidez, solo asi sirven y tienen sentido. Ademas los rituales deben tener base ideologica, sin ella pereceran como sucedió con el simbolismo egipcio y otros. A propósito el simbolismo egipcio velo sus misterios al vulgo mediante signos y jeroglíficos, comunicados solo a sus grandes Sacerdotes o Magos, obligándolos a mantenerlos ocultos.
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