During our initiation happened some outstanding facts: I) The fraternal linkage of hands of Master Masons, Fellow Crafts and recently entered apprentices forming a circle, at the end of initiation ceremony. Fingers up, fingers down, conforming a single fist of educated people with defined purposes being wanted congratulations, fraternity, peace more than confrontation, contrasting attitude with wars that tear great part of the current world, included our country.
II) To witness a beautiful scene in which a former military -now a Master mason- with many years of membership in the lodge, bequeaths to their young 23 year-old son also militar the entrance to the Masonry. This way, the entered apprentice will take contact with knowledge and desirable virtues that will help him to take appropriate decisions. Filial love, contrasting with many familiar disencounters exhibited daily in the main pages of local yellow press. Children that claim in an angry manner and in advance the inheritance of their parents. Others, that supposedly would have plotted direct or indirectly in the physical elimination of their progenitors for utilitarian reasons. Fact very important also for their collateral implications : the Masonry must nurture now to this young militar of temper and spiritual values.
A challenge that also concerns the young militar who in next years will try to avoid clashes among military and civil populations. We would want the young militar to emulate something of Miguel Grau who sends to the widow of his fierce enemy Arturo Prat (in an oasis of the war), fallen in combat her belongings and a condolence letter, eulogizing her worthy and valiant husband. Also, seeing Grau many enemies of the frigate Covandonga about to drown, he spreads them lifeboats so they don't perish. Distant attitude of the enemy that killed our brothers with naked bayonet, during several passages of the Pacific War.
III) To comment that contrarily to the usual thing, in which a freemason of more age facilitates the entrance to laymen but young, it happens that in my case a much younger freemason than I, facilitate my entered apprentice entrance. When accepting him as godfather I assume that in my case the young mason is the man's father. Later, I understood that ages are relative because during the final toast I hardly had a couple of hours of born, as long as my young godfather had many freemason's years.
IV) Finally to comment the reasons of my option for the Masonry. Inserted always in scientific properties I was sometimes frustrated when not being able to respond to questions like: Where do we come?¿Who are we?¿Where do we go?. To this respect, science have only partial answers. Some scientific like Stephen Hawking and at local level Marco Antonio Denegri, has little faith in human beings. Both believe that some fundamentalist will unchain a bigger holocaust, turning inhabitable the Earth, urging us to make all the possible to colonize near planets where maybe a new Homo sapiens culturalis can emerge. We also enter to the Masonry to find wisdom and to grow spiritually as long as our lives are like shades that will disappear as quick as they came and that our mission here is to give so much love as it is possible to all alive beings. Nothing will serve to be a great scientist, a successful manager or a great politician if we lack love. Without it, the exercise of any high position alone would show vanity.
Durante nuestra iniciación ocurrieron algunos hechos relevantes: I) El fraternal encadenamiento de manos de MM:.CC:. y AA:. recién admitidos -formando un c♂rculo- al final de la ceremonia de iniciación. Dedos hacia arriba, dedos hacia abajo, conformando un solo puño. Estrechamiento de manos de gente instruída, de propósitos definidos deseándose enhorabuenas, fraternidad, paz más que confrontación, actitud contrastante con las guerras que desgarran gran parte del mundo actual, incluído nuestro país.
II) To witness a beautiful scene in which a former military -now a Master mason- with many years of membership in the lodge, bequeaths to their young 23 year-old son also militar the entrance to the Masonry. This way, the entered apprentice will take contact with knowledge and desirable virtues that will help him to take appropriate decisions. Filial love, contrasting with many familiar disencounters exhibited daily in the main pages of local yellow press. Children that claim in an angry manner and in advance the inheritance of their parents. Others, that supposedly would have plotted direct or indirectly in the physical elimination of their progenitors for utilitarian reasons. Fact very important also for their collateral implications : the Masonry must nurture now to this young militar of temper and spiritual values.
A challenge that also concerns the young militar who in next years will try to avoid clashes among military and civil populations. We would want the young militar to emulate something of Miguel Grau who sends to the widow of his fierce enemy Arturo Prat (in an oasis of the war), fallen in combat her belongings and a condolence letter, eulogizing her worthy and valiant husband. Also, seeing Grau many enemies of the frigate Covandonga about to drown, he spreads them lifeboats so they don't perish. Distant attitude of the enemy that killed our brothers with naked bayonet, during several passages of the Pacific War.
III) To comment that contrarily to the usual thing, in which a freemason of more age facilitates the entrance to laymen but young, it happens that in my case a much younger freemason than I, facilitate my entered apprentice entrance. When accepting him as godfather I assume that in my case the young mason is the man's father. Later, I understood that ages are relative because during the final toast I hardly had a couple of hours of born, as long as my young godfather had many freemason's years.
IV) Finally to comment the reasons of my option for the Masonry. Inserted always in scientific properties I was sometimes frustrated when not being able to respond to questions like: Where do we come?¿Who are we?¿Where do we go?. To this respect, science have only partial answers. Some scientific like Stephen Hawking and at local level Marco Antonio Denegri, has little faith in human beings. Both believe that some fundamentalist will unchain a bigger holocaust, turning inhabitable the Earth, urging us to make all the possible to colonize near planets where maybe a new Homo sapiens culturalis can emerge. We also enter to the Masonry to find wisdom and to grow spiritually as long as our lives are like shades that will disappear as quick as they came and that our mission here is to give so much love as it is possible to all alive beings. Nothing will serve to be a great scientist, a successful manager or a great politician if we lack love. Without it, the exercise of any high position alone would show vanity.
Durante nuestra iniciación ocurrieron algunos hechos relevantes: I) El fraternal encadenamiento de manos de MM:.CC:. y AA:. recién admitidos -formando un c♂rculo- al final de la ceremonia de iniciación. Dedos hacia arriba, dedos hacia abajo, conformando un solo puño. Estrechamiento de manos de gente instruída, de propósitos definidos deseándose enhorabuenas, fraternidad, paz más que confrontación, actitud contrastante con las guerras que desgarran gran parte del mundo actual, incluído nuestro país.
II) Presenciar un espectáculo bello y conmovedor en el que un ex militar -venerable masón hoy- con muchos años de pertenencia a la logia, lega a su joven hijo de 23 años también militar, el ingreso a la masonería. Asi, el recién iniciado tomará contacto con conocimientos y virtudes deseables, que le ayudarán a tomar decisiones adecuadas. Muestra de amor contrastante con los muchos desencuentros filiales exhibidos cotidianamente en los titulares de las páginas de la prensa amarilla local. Hijos que reclaman airadamente y por anticipado la herencia de sus padres. Otros, que supuestamente habrían complotado directa o indirectamente en la eliminación física de sus progenitores por razones utilitarias. Hecho conmovedor también por sus implicancias colaterales: la masonería deberá nutrir ahora a este joven militar de temple y valores espirituales.
Desafío que atañe también al joven militar que desde hoy procurara evitar desencuentros entre militares y poblaciones civiles. Deseariamos que el joven militar tome algo de Miguel Grau, quien en un oasis de la guerra envía a la viuda de su corajudo enemigo Arturo Prat -caído en combate- sus pertenencias y una carta de condolencias, elogiando a su digno y valeroso esposo. Asimismo, viendo Grau a muchos enemigos de la fragata Covandonga a punto de ahogarse, les tiende botes salvavidas para que no perezcan. Actitud distante del repase a bayoneta calada a nuestras huestes por parte del enemigo, durante varios pasajes de la Guerra del Pacifico. III) Comentar que contrariamente a lo usual, en el que un masón de mayor edad posibilita el ingreso a profanos mas jóvenes, sucede que en mi caso, un masón mucho más joven que yo posibilita mi ingreso. Al aceptarlo como padrino asumo que en mi caso el joven mason es el padre del hombre. Más tarde, entendí que las edades son relativas porque durante el brindis yo tenía apenas un par de horas de nacido, en tanto mi joven padrino tenía yá algunos años de masón.
IV) Finalmente comentar las razones de mi opción por la masonería. Inserto desde siempre en predios científicos a veces me sentía frustrado al no poder responder a preguntas del tipo de : ¿de donde venimos?¿quienes somos?¿adonde vamos?. La ciencia solo tiene respuestas parciales, al respecto. Algunos como el científico Stephen Hawking y a nivel local Marco Antonio Denegri, tienen poca fé en el devenir humano. Ambos creen que algún fundamentalista desencadenará un holocausto mayor, tornándo inhabitable la tierra, instándonos a hacer todo lo posible por colonizar planetas cercanos donde quizás pueda emerger un nuevo Homo sapiens culturalis. Ingresamos a la masoneria también para encontrar sabiduría y crecer espiritualmente en tanto nuestras vidas son como sombras que desaparecerán tan rápido como vinieron y que nuestra misión acá es dar tanto amor como sea posible a todos los seres vivos. De nada servirá ser un gran científico, exitoso empresario o político de gran arraigo, si carecemos de amor. Sin él, el ejercicio de cualquier alto cargo solo podría traslucir vanidad.
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